
Design studio focused on book design, illustration, and environment design




Raise your hand if you’ve ever walked up to a door and pulled, only to find out that it was a “PUSH” door. To make matters worse, as you were fruitlessly pulling on the handle, your wandering eyes fastened on the sign that read, “PUSH.” You’ve been a victim of bad design. When you or […]

This article is in: Branding, Design

Locksmiths know about the importance of location in placing your ads. Almost every inch of the stairwell of Bekah’s apartment building is covered with these ads for locksmith services. It makes a great texture.

This article is in: Design, For EMM, Ideas, Photography, Travel

Emmeline, not only do the people here in Japan use different words when they speak, they also use different letters when they write. See these letters?

This article is in: Design, For EMM, Travel, Type Design, Typography